
martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Addium Vitamin Supplements A Natural

The American Medical News, a weekly newspaper for Addium physicians published by the American Medical Association, just published an excellent article on the importance of Exercise Physical and Mental A few quotes from the article titled Steps to a nimble mind Physical and mental exercise help keep the brain fit Until recently, conventional wisdom held that our brains were intractable, hard wired computers. What we were born with was all we got. Addium Age wore down memory and the ability to understand, and few interventions could reverse this process. But increasingly, evidence suggests that physical and mental exercise can alter specific brain regions, making radical improvements in cognitive function. And With nearly million Americans turning over the next two decades, physicians need the tools to handle growing patient concerns about how to best maintain brain health. Armed with this new brand of science, frontline physicians will be better equipped to address the needs of aging baby boomers, already in the throes of the brain fitness revolution.


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